Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update as of Monday 15th February 2021

Zolpidem Online Reviews We are still closed due to Covid-19 and are waiting to see if the Welsh Government reduces the social distancing down from 2m in this weeks review, in readiness for the opening of hospitality and tourism business’s, and allowing for the success of the rollout of the vaccines in Wales & the UK as a whole. We are working on plans & risk assessments to help us to re-open for Easter, or as close to Easter as the Welsh Government guidelines allow. This is to help restrict the spread of coronavirus, and to safeguard the health of our guides and potential visitors to South Stack and the local area. Buy Zolpidem Online Overnight We urge people to observe social distancing, and not to travel at the moment due to current guidelines from all 4 UK countries. Zolpidem Order We will keep people updated via our web page and our Facebook page.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update as of Monday 27th July 2020

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Buy Ambien From Usa We have sadly taken the decision not to open South Stack Lighthouse & Visitor Centre to the public as yet, but we are working on plans & risk assessments to help us to re-open. This is to help restrict the spread of coronavirus, and to safeguard the health of our guides and potential visitors to South Stack and the local area. We urge people to observe social distancing. We will keep people updated via our web page and our Facebook page.
We will review the opening as soon as possible in line with guidance from the Welsh Government, as more information about the virus becomes available.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update as of 1700hrs Tuesday 12th May 2020 We are still closed due to Covid-19 and would urge anyone thinking of visiting us, or Holyhead, or Anglesey or even N Wales to please think again and stay at home. Stay At Home Save Lives We have sadly taken the decision not to open South Stack Lighthouse & Visitor Centre to the public in May 2020, this is to help restrict the spread of coronavirus, and to safeguard the health of our guides and potential visitors to the island.
We urge people to stay local and observe social distancing. Please do not travel.

Buy Ambien American Express We know that the good weather will entice people out, but we do not want to encourage anyone, local or from away, to visit the area during this crisis.
We will keep people updated via our web page and our Facebook page.
We will review the opening from 1st June in line with guidance from the Welsh Government, as more information about the virus becomes available. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IF YOU LIVE IN ENGLAND YOU SHOULD NOT TRAVEL TO WALES FURING THIS PERIOD.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update as of 1400hrs Sunday 22nd March 2020

Zolpidem Buying We have sadly taken the decision not to open South Stack Lighthouse & Visitor Centre to the public in April 2020, this is to help restrict the spread of coronavirus, and to safeguard the health of our guides and potential visitors to the island. We urge people to stay local and observe social distancing. Please do not travel.

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Can You Buy Ambien In Mexico We know that the good weather will entice people out, but we do not want to encourage anyone, local or from away, to visit the area during this crisis.

We will keep people updated via our web page and our Facebook page. We will review the opening from 1st May onwards later in April, as more information about the virus becomes available.

Coronavirus – where we stand at the moment

We are due to open to the public on Saturday 4th April 2020. We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus outbreak and will be following guidance from Public Health Wales, Public Health England, UK Government and World Health Organization.

We will notify visitors via our web page of any changes immediately. Please be assured that we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our visitors and our guides as COVID-19 develops.

Additional sanitisers have been placed at the entrance to the visitor centre for visitors and staff to use. We are operating at an increased level of hygiene which includes the sanitisation of handrails, door handles etc beofre we open, and again during the opening hours.

South Stack Ynys Lawd Ltd will keep a close eye on the situation and keep our visitors and staff informed of any developments or changes to our opening times or dates.

New cover photo by J D Media Holyhead Our new cover photo was taken by J D Media (John), and it shows the steps down to the lighthouse, the bridge to the island and the lighthouse looking from the sea. On the left of the photo you can also see in the distance the North Stack foghorn station (not in use anymore).

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